I wheel onto the streetcar, maneuvering my scooter past a young man who's blocking the way with his enormous duffel bag and a lumpy brute of a dog. I wedge myself into a corner and stare out the glass doors. I don't look at the man. I don't want to look at anyone. A woman gets on at the next stop with a walker and the young man says to her, “I respect your hesitation.” I don’t know what he’s referring to but I figure it must be something to do with masks. It's always about masks, or the virus, or the vaccine. I’m so tired of it all. We’re all so tired of it all.
Saturday, September 25, 2021
I Respect Your Hesitation
Sunday, September 19, 2021
I go out for a delicious Italian meal and drinks with a friend. Afterwards she drops me off and I wheel into my building on my knee scooter and yank open the elevator door and slide the heavy gate and roll in and push the button for the fourth floor. Sometimes there's a delay and you have to wait thirty seconds or so until the elevator lurches to life, so I wait thirty seconds or so then press the button again, then a few more times. It's not going anywhere. I punch the wall then close my eyes and take a deep breath and push the button one last time before wheeling back out to the stairwell.
Monday, September 13, 2021
A man on the train is sharpening a knife on a whetstone, loudly, looking around to see if anyone is watching. Everyone is watching.
A man is lying against the wall of the Plaid Pantry across the street. As I roll past, he yells.that I should come over there so he can break my other leg. I think about it.
A man enters the gift shop, slips a pair of novelty socks into his pocket, and attempts to enter the galleries without paying. He is finally shown the door after trying to fish money out of the donation box.
A man makes a pile of newspapers on the wall and sets it on fire, then stands there to admire his handiwork. It only burns for a few minutes but smoke rises from it for a long time.
A man runs screaming through the streets, tearing up plants, breaking windows, picking up and hurling anything that's not bolted down. A man writes in fat, bulbous letters on every surface, the same illegible word over and over. A man defecates in the middle of the sidewalk, a singular statement, crude yet elegant in its simplicity. A man starts tapping on his phone, initiating a transaction with consequences that branch out in all directions, ripples that turn into waves that swell and gain in momentum as they hurtle toward the shore.
Sunday, September 12, 2021
A man with long gray hair is waiting for the light to change. He
holds a leash attached to which is a squat, fat dog with wispy white
hair. The traffic stops and we pass each other in the middle of the
street and I see that it’s not a dog at all but a pig.
Later that
day, a guy wearing a Pug Lives Matter t-shirt walks past me. A little
ways beyond is the World's Blandest Taproom, all concrete and metal
piping. A group of people sit outside, each one of them with a small
dog curled in their lap, one of which is indeed a pug.
A few
doors down is my destination.The Soop does not serve soup. It's a
little confusing. "Soop" is apparently how you pronounce the Korean
word for "forest," and the place does resemble a sort of forest, as the
windows are filled with the plants they use in their dishes, growing in
hydroponic rows under eerily glowing lights.
I sit outside and
slurp my glass noodles as the traffic rushes past. A man clutching a
bottle in a paper bag screams at a young woman as she calmly chains up
her bike. A troupe of homeless kids are dragged along by their
pit bulls. A man goes into the restaurant and emerges a few minutes later
with no food. His walk is something between a strut and a scurry. Ten
minutes later he's back, lugging some shopping bags, a live python
twisted around his neck. He goes back in and immediately leaves,
strutting and scurrying, a wide grin on his face.
The owner comes out to take my plates and we chat a bit. I tell him how good the meal was and that I hope he can stay open in such a challenging location. The man with the snake passes by again, face gnarled with rage. "It's very odd," the owner says, horns blaring over his shoulder. "We were not aware."